Monday, August 29, 2011

30 Weeks

Happy 30 Weeks to me!!! Three-quarters of the way through my pregnancy and I am very excited! Doug is definitely excited too, I think he is missing his not pregnant wife. haha.

Baby Girl
She is a verrrry active baby. She loves trying to remove my ribs and hips, they just seem to be getting too much in her way. She still loves her Daddy and always shows off for him when he is around. The other day he came home from work and I was laying on the couch and she started kicking. Well he came over to feel her and her foot was poking out of my stomach. It was soo cool to see and feel. I thought she would only do it a few times, but that was not so. Doug kept saying "come on do it again" and she would. She kicked her foot then slid it along my belly. They definitely had a good time playing. Right before we go to bed Doug always says goodnight to her and she gives him a few kicks, then she stops when his hand is off of my stomach. It's pretty cool, and even if it is coincidental, I don't care, it is adorable.

Another thing that happened was our attempt at trying to hear her heartbeat. My doctor said that if Doug puts his ear right below my belly button, he would be able to hear her heart beat. Well we tried it, and all he could hear was my stomach gurgling. He was also able to feel our baby girl kicking him in the cheek. She did it twice and I laughed so hard, I started to cry! It was so funny. We've got a kick boxer on our hands.

I have definitely been counting down the weeks until she comes, but over all I have felt pretty good. I am getting to the point where sleeping is really uncomfortable and I usually wake up with my back hurting pretty badly, but I figure the bigger I get, the more it will hurt and I can't do much about it.

Here is a list of things that I am thankful for while being 30 weeks pregnant.
1. An amazing husband that even if he's worked 12 hours that day, he always asks me how I am doing.
2. A yoga ball because I can't sit in real chairs very long or else my butt hurts. It also helps alleviate some back pain.
3. A Lazy Boy recliner that I can sleep in very comfortably.
4. Not being sick.
5. A wonderful sister who has sent me half of the wardrobe that I wear. Thanks Charisse!
6. A husband who is so excited to have a baby girl.

I am thankful for so much more, but it is the simple things that I really appreciate right now.

PS - Doug took that picture of me! He said I'm big enough now that he would take them. haha. He is so silly.
PPS - The dress I'm wearing is my sisters! It's so cute and I got so many compliments on it!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

3 Years!!

The fun thing about being pregnant is that when I wake up, Doug wakes up too. On Saturday morning Doug and I both woke up at 4:30 in the morning and weren't tired anymore. We both laid there pretending to be asleep and then I finally just got frustrated and sat up. My back was super stiff and in a lot of pain so Doug gave me a wonderful massage! After the massage he said to me, "hey let's get a hotel room in Salt Lake and go to Pat's BBQ for dinner tonight." I was soo excited because all I wanted for our anniversary was to get out of Utah County. So Doug went to work around 6am for about 4 hours, and then around 3pm we headed up to Salt Lake. When we got to the hotel, we went swimming and then we went out to dinner to my favorite place! Pat's BBQ. If you ever want good BBQ, hit up Pat's. Their ribs are sooo yummy!
And another picture of Doug being silly and making me laugh.

Our yummy dinners. Ribs, brisket, cornbread, for each of us, then I got a side of mashed potatoes and Doug got a salad.

After we were finished. I had a piece of brisket left and one small rib left, but hey I did pretty good!

Yummy breakfast the next morning. We went and ate at Dee's.
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Happy Anniversary Doug!! I love you! Thank you for an awesome weekend get away!!


My family is spread out between 3 states. My parents and younger brother Dalton live in Delaware. My sister Charisse, her husband Stephen, and two adorable daughters Sammi and Clara live in Minnesota. My older brother Destin is in Salt Lake, my younger sister Maraina and her husband live in Provo, and then Doug and I live in Spanish Fork. So i get pretty excited when any of us can get together. We see Raina and Destin quite a bit thanks to my parents and their monthly sibling date on them. But we never get to see Dalton, my parents, or Charisse and her family.

My parents decided to take a trip and hit Minnesota for a week and then come out to Utah for about a week. I was really excited to see them and they got to stay with us!

Saturday - The boys went to shoot shotguns, and the girls went to my cousins bridal shower. That night Doug and I went to a dinner to celebrate his brothers birthday (Happy Birthday Phil!) and everyone else hung out at Raina and Danny's.

Sunday - Went to church, then we came back for naps, then headed to Raina's for dinner. My mom made us a roast, mashed potatoes and some veggies. It was sooo delicious! We ended up eating outside because the apartment got a little hot with the oven on for so long, but it was so nice outside! After we finished eating, we also got to see a hawk trying to get a squirrel. Raina got some pretty cool pictures of the hawk trying to get the squirrel, but the squirrel out smarting the hawk.

Monday - My Mom and Dad went to Park City for a couple of days and Dalton had the pleasure of hanging out with me. We hung out around the house for most of the day, but I ended up taking him driving in my car for more lessons driving stick.

Tuesday - Dalton and I went to Walmart and Target. We went to Walmart and got a couple book shelves and he so kindly picked them up for me because they were 70lbs a piece. Then we went to Target and got a few bins for the baby room. Boring trip, probably, but it was nice to be able to hang out with Dalton.

Wednesday - My mom bought me a pressure cooker and taught me and Raina how to can meat. I was really excited because now I have ready to go meat for meals. It's pretty easy to do, but I'm sure the next time Raina and I get together to do it, we'll have to call my mom for some help. haha. While we were waiting for the meat to be done in the pressure canner/cooker thingy, my mom and I went and put together Raina's birthday present. My mom has created a pretty awesome tradition of getting us 21 things of 21 on our 21st birthdays. This means if something has 24 things, like crayons, you take 3 out because you can only have 21. Our favorite to put together was the junior mints. There is about 48 junior mints in a box, I dumped the box, put 21 back in, glued the box so you couldn't tell, then me and my mom ate the other 27.

Thursday - My dad so kindly put together one of my book shelves and moved it to where I wanted it. That night my parents took all of us out to dinner to an Indian restaurant called .....I can't remember. But it was super yummy. We just ordered a bunch of meals and then shared everything.

Friday - My parents and Dalton left super early in the morning so they ended up staying at Destin's.

Overall the trip was a lot of fun. It is so nice to get together with my family, and I can't wait until Christmas when ALL of us will be together plus a little baby girl.

Radio Install

So a while back, Doug and I left the top down to our Miata when it was parked in his parents driveway. Long story short, sprinklers + radio = broken. After driving in a car with no radio for a couple weeks, I went crazy and we both thought it would be best if we bought ourselves a radio and install it. Doug warned me that this was going to take a long time, but I figured hey why not, it would be fun! Well it was fun, I learned a lot about wiring and what not, but he was right about the lengthy process.

Set Backs -
The first thing we had to do was to unhook the battery. This was difficult considering the battery is in the trunk, tucked under the side of the car. Lame placement.

The old owners of the car paid someone to install a 6 disc changer and they took off the dash part wrong. There were screws that he needed to unscrew, but he decided to just use brute force. (Correct term? I hope so.) This made it really easy to take the dash off, but not easy to put it back on.

When putting together the frame for the deck I was in charge of looking at the picture to make sure everything went smoothly. Well I was super determined that the sides went one way, but I was looking at one of the pieces upside down. -1 hour set back. Sorry Douglas! He was very nice about it and laughed it off.

Putting the deck into the car. We had to file down the sides to make it fit. Square does not fit into round.

Things that went smoothly -
Opening the boxes

Wiring the actual deck

Installing the speakers

Programming the deck.

5 and half hours later.
Here are some pictures of our adventure.
My job

Doug working hard at unhooking the battery.

Old deck out.

New deck wires.

Shrink something or other to keep the wires together.

Finally figured out the deck mounting.

Trying to make it fit. The bottom of our new mount was square. Square does not fit round.


Crappy old ones.

New pretty ones.

Oh it looks so pretty.

Rockin out with our new radio.
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Friday, August 5, 2011

Orem Owlz

I keep telling Doug that he needs to take me out more because I am going crazy being home all day, and to my surprise he decided to take me to a baseball game! I love going to baseball games, they are so much fun! Now he didn't do this all by himself, but it totally counts. His work gave everyone tickets that wanted to go and see the Orem Owlz play. So Doug snatched up a bunch of tickets for us. Along with the tickets we got free food voucher for a free drink and a hot dog. We ended up inviting Stacie, Phil and Danaca too, so we had a nice family outing.

On our way there, all I wanted was nachos. My cravings were bad yesterday. I ate my hot dog, then went and got some nachos, then had another hot dog, ate half a thing of sour straws, then I wanted ice cream really badly. I decided to not go for the ice cream but only because they didn't have vanilla soft serve with rainbow sprinkles. The game was a lot of fun. We were up almost the whole game, but then the Idaho Falls team decided to get a bunch of runs and win.

It's always pulling teeth to get a good picture with Doug. He's always trying to be funny.
Finally! Thanks Doug!
Orem Owlz
Oh, hello there Douglas. He's growing out a beard. He claims it's because it's like the play off season at his work.
Concentrating so hard.
Looved these guys! They were the ones that started every cheer and every clap sequence. We tried once and failed, so we left it to the professionals.
Accidentally got a picture of the pitcher in mid pitch.
Oh, hey Stacie.
Stacie, Danaca, and Phil.
It was a good night even though the Owlz lost. Thanks Douglas for a wonderful night out!! I love you!!!
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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Girl's Camp

Earlier this year I was called to be the Assistant Girl's Camp Director for my ward. Those of you that have no clue what that is or means, I will explain. In order for the LDS church to have all of the jobs done that needs to be done, they give out callings. Basically they are jobs that are given out to different people. Girl's Camp is fun camp held every year for the girls 12-18 years old to get to know one another and gain a better testimony of Jesus Christ. So anyway, I was called to assist the girl's camp director and we have worked really hard to plan the camp so it was a lot of fun for the girls. We lucked out this year because it was Stake camp, meaning a lot of wards went and we only had a few chunks of time that we had to plan out for the girls.

When I first got this calling, my first thought was hmmm, how am I going to get out of this. OH!! I'm pregnant!!! They won't let you go to camp if you are in the first our third trimester, but then I figured out that I would be 2 weeks away from my third trimester and totally clear to go. When I found that out, I decided to give it my all and have a positive attitude. I'll tell you what, having a positive attitude really does help. I was never really a fan of girl's camp when I was younger so I had to channel a whole lot of positivity to get through the planning.

Amy, the Camp Director, and I had a lot of things planned out. We had crafts to do, certification (things that the girl's needed to learn in order to pass to the next year in camp) planned out, games planned out, and even some activities that would hopefully help the girls with their testimonies. The theme of the entire camp was United and Strong. This was kind of a double theme, United and Strong in the Gospel, and then it could relate to sports too. Amy really wanted to incorporate the sports aspect a little bit more so she came up with a great baseball theme for our camp ground. We had a dug out where we all gathered together, the leaders tent was the Coaches Quarters, and then all of the girls got to name their own tents.

The stake was in charge of most of the activities, which was super nice. Some of the things that they had planned out was a service project, Sacred Grove time (we learned about Joseph Smith and then we were able to read the Book of Mormon and find out more of his account about the first vision), and a Faith Walk (we had 3 speakers come speak to us about different life events). Overall I thought that the stake did a great job with what they planned out. I was worried from my camp experiences, but they did a great job.

Camp was from Wednesday morning to Saturday morning. Wednesday around 4pm it decided to start down pouring. Luckily me and the other leaders that were up their thought about this and started to put up preventative measures BEFORE it rained and not during or after. Thursday and Friday were beautiful days, and Saturday it was super nice to go home.

Here are a bunch of pictures that I took.

Monday, August 1, 2011


For the last 3 years, our good friends Scott and Wendy have invited us up to their cabin to celebrate Scott's birthday. Their cabin is up in the Uinta mountains close to Mirror Lake, and Trials Lake. There were 7 of us total. Scott, Wendy, and their adorable daughter Carly, Joe, Mike, Doug, and me.

Our first year up there we went fishing and caught close to 50 fish, mind you this was my first or second time fishing so my expectations were high. The next year we didn't catch anywhere close to that. The following year wasn't as good either. But this year the fishing picked up a little more. We caught close to 30 fish, so it was still fun, but nothing compares to the first year. Your line wasn't in the water for longer then 30 seconds and you had a bite.

Another thing we always do is play some games. Last year we stayed up late playing dice games, but this year I brought Monopoly Deal. It was definitely a hit! We stayed up laughing and playing that game so late.

Here are some pictures of our much needed vacation.

On our way to the cabin. Joe and Doug back together again.
Such a beautiful view.
3 of the men doing the dishes after breakfast :)
Scott and Doug against Mike and Joe
Carly and Wendy husking some corn. Carly only liked pulling off the gross stringy stuff.
Mike, Scott, and Carly
Carly driving us to go see the moose.
A moose that was right up the street from the cabin.
Carly and Wendy
Wendy wanted to make a snowman, so she brought Carly to the snow. Yes this was taken in July.
Proof that they were the ones that built it.
After seeing the snow, Joe wanted to do a snow angel.
Joe's Snow Angel

Scott fishing.
Doug setting up my line because I didn't want to get my fingers all gross.
Trials Lake
Doug and Joe
On our way back we ran into a bunch of sheep. There were sooo many of them!

Cute little sheep dog.
The herders horse.

The Cute Sheep